Truth Movement why help your enemies? Truth Movement people cave on Trump they often say that Trump is a puppet of the Zionist. But Sanders campaign people call for burning cities down. “If trump Gets Elected cities burn”

by Staś Truth movement why attack the leader of the free world who wants to stay out of war no matter how hard the Deep State tries to get the USA in it? Trump Iran and Russia don’t want an all-out war. The truth movement is not helping. @BernieSanders “free education” policies to “teach youContinueContinue reading “Truth Movement why help your enemies? Truth Movement people cave on Trump they often say that Trump is a puppet of the Zionist. But Sanders campaign people call for burning cities down. “If trump Gets Elected cities burn””

Why I Still Support Trump? He is winning.

By Staś     As I have mentioned countless times on this blog. There is no real “truth movement! 2. I 100% disagree with many in   “the movement” on Trump. 3. Everyone expects too much from Trump. 4. Many people can’t handle talking about politics and they defer to “the Bible” 5. The liberal part ofContinueContinue reading “Why I Still Support Trump? He is winning.”

The pornography of “American” power. How Judaic American Mass suicide culture has turned Americans and the world into madmen and warriors.

By Staś Every ad every movie and all of media and academic world drive the gentiles to war or self-inflicted suicide. Very little good or useful information gets seen by the masses. The gentiles are mystified by the pornographic media.  Not just fantasy sexual pornography. Pornography of all kinds. There are now countless forms ofContinueContinue reading “The pornography of “American” power. How Judaic American Mass suicide culture has turned Americans and the world into madmen and warriors.”

#alexjones The Conspiracy movement has been stung.

By Staś Big Tech/Big Data is immune from lawsuits, libel, defamation, and they are in league with the Deep State and the “old media”.  No one wins against Big tech except for big tech.   They control our lives now. They are going after Putin and Trump. Now they seek to tie up Trump  byContinueContinue reading “#alexjones The Conspiracy movement has been stung.”

Yet again the ‘Truth Movement’ fails on Trump’s Secret War with Israel. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will force a ‘deal’.

However the truth movement and others have lashed out at Trump.  Many are obsessed with the idea that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son in Law, controls the White House. 
This idea is rubbish. For one thing the ‘once vast duties of Jarrod have shrunk considerably. General Kelly is putting a filter on some of that BS. Yes. the Generals have come in to help Trump attempt to save what remains of the Republic.  Also Jarad has been completely messed up and derailed by Trump’s in your face Embassy move.