Yet again the ‘Truth Movement’ fails on Trump’s Secret War with Israel. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will force a ‘deal’.

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By Staś


‘I’m a negotiator like you folks (Jews), we are negotiators,” he said. “Is there anybody who doesn’t negotiate deals in this room?’ said Trump to the Republican Jewish Congress during his 2016 campaign for the presidency. 

As a result of President Trump recognizing Jerusalem and moving the US embassy there, the world and the so called ‘Truth movement’ has yet again attacked Trump in a fit of rage.
Trump’s decision, as lauded by Israel and its allies, has of course enraged the Palestinians, and for completely understandable reasons when one considers the manner in which the Palestinians have been tortured and murdered by the State of Israel with the covert and not-so-covert support of the United States.
However, Trump has stated repeatedly that he wants a peace settlement negotiated.
Could the harsh trash talking populist Trump be the last hope for the free world?
He has to be, because Pence, a marinated-to-the-bone evangelical wants Bible prophecy to take place. President Trump’s decision is controversial, but it’s a position Hillary Clinton took 18 years ago anyway.
Let’s be clear–the President is not a peace activist. He is a media man and a deal maker. He is out to get the best deal possible for himself and the United States.
But not necessarily for the Palestinians or Israel. Trump wants the best deal for America.
This will not make Israel and Bibi happy. This may come to anger many American evangelicals  who regard America as a kind of New Israel. That is when and if they figure out that Trump is using theatrics and the manner in which this misdirection results in chaos and pits friend and foe alike while he gets what he wants.
What he wants for America may not fit what radical Christian Zionists and evangelicals want either.
Will everyone be happy?  
No, but at least there will be a “deal”.
The Jews know this but just as with Trump’s theatrical attack of 59 Tomahawk missiles on an air base in Syria the ‘truth movement’ has failed to understand what the President is doing, or at least trying to do.
The ‘truth movement’ has again lashed out at Trump and have given up on him in similar fashion as they did with post-Syrian airfield attack.
They are attacking the President again.
Trumps legions of gentile pro-Israel supporters are loving it. That’s politics.
The Jewish themselves are very skeptical. Even a cursory examination of the various Israeli news outlets reveals they smell something fishy about Trump’s ‘Jerusalem’ thing and are not yet ready to commit themselves whole hog. 
Yet now Assad is still in power in Syria and ISIS has been defeated.
Trump saw working with Russia letting Russia bomb the hell out ISIS as a good thing. It has happened.
The rest of the world has stepped in as well Chinese special forces have also been deployed to defend Assad. Not to mention the role of Iran and its major role in suppressing the Mossad CIA Deep State created ISIS.
The tide is turning The world has had enough of Israel and if Trump does not continue to make ‘deals’ in the interests of the US, then the United States will go down with Israel
‘Recognizing’ Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has been already done by the US Congress anyway. Trump’s recent action in this regard is like the faux attack on the Syrian air base in April 2016–more tricks, more theater, more distraction, more deal making. Justin Raimondo of writes thus–
“What in the real, actual, physical world will change as a result of the empty ‘recognition’ of Jerusalem as the ‘capital’ of Israel? The answer is–nothing. The embassy will stay right where it is. Trump is stalling the move and keeps stressing he wants a peace deal and continues pushing for a peace deal.’
They may never more the embassy.
“Tillerson: Jerusalem embassy move will take several years.” 
Translation–’Sorry, this is fake.’
The world and even the average American who seems to care about nothing has been forced to look at this situation. In fact, for the 24 hrs Trump spoke on it even identity politics took a brief backseat to Jerusalem.
For every US president this is the most difficult issue.  They all suffer defeat and humiliation one way or another in being forced to ‘deal’ with the Israel/Palestinian issue.
It is now Trump’s turn. We had better hope he succeeds or it may be all over.
For their part the evangelicals are delighted Trump had recognized Jerusalem as the capital.
I shall be writing more about the American Radical Evangelical role on this soon. One thing that is clear however is that many people crave the destruction of the world because they want Christ to return. They want it now.
The US has lost a lot of power working for Israel in the ME. Israel and the Israeli first crowd pressured the US to remove Saddam Hussein.  A costly mistake for the American Empire. It has depleted American power greatly.
After the 911 attack on the USA by Israel America has moved swiftly to attack the entire Muslim world. Except for Saudi Arabia. Which is quite odd, given that America was told that 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia. Yet America attacked Iraq.
Let’s face it most Americans know very little about Islam and the ME.  Many Americans want to attack the entire ME.
By Trump forcing a peace deal America may finally be forced to look at how cruel and unreasonable the Israelis are.
Trump has some power but, he there are some things on which he simply cannot come out and say plainly, one of those being that it’s time for Israel to go to the peace table. He can’t speak plainly on this issue.  He will never be able to do so. So be prepared to continue to read between the lines.
Let us recap some of the other many clues the president has left us to consider and weigh–
Prior to the election in a scene that somewhat reminded us of the movie Bullworth.
Bullworth: My guys are not stupid. They always put the big Jews on my schedule. You’re mostly Jews, right? Three out of four of you?
 Image result for trump bullworth big money jews
Trump confronted Republican Jewish donors– ‘You don’t own me…’
And again Trump prior to the election Trump said things that made the Jews and the Israel first crowd nervous.
‘You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money,’ Trump told members of the Sheldon Adelson-funded hardline pro-Israel lobbying organization.
‘You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. If I wanted your money, I think I’d have a damned good chance. You know the money I have turned down?’  he told them.
Recall how Trump attempted to school the American people regarding 911 by referring to the ‘dancing Muslims’ in New Jersey. That is right. ‘Dancing Muslims’ means ‘dancing Israelis’ when some curious citizen decides to ‘Google’ it. 
Image result for Dancing Muslims means dancing Israelis.
Do you forget Trump sent over a team of 12 FBI agents to Israel to bust a man who was making thousands of bomb threats?
That’s right.
President Trump sent 12 FBI Special Agents from the agency’s cybercrime unit to Israel to assist in the ‘investigation’ of the Israeli-American teen arrested for making bomb threats at American Jewish institutions. Was this a Mossad operation to make Trump look bad?  Yes. And he shut it down. 
Image result for trump sends 12 fbi agents to israel
Trump has sold Saudi Arabia a lot of weapons and made the US a lot of cash but he has urged Saudi Arabia to end the Yemen blockade.  Also you may have noticed that the Royal family is in a lot of trouble over there. Is it so wrong to think that US intelligence is not involved in this? Stay tuned.
President Trump  ended the clandestine American program to provide arms and supplies to Syrian rebel groups, American officials said, a recognition that the effort was failing and that the administration has given up hope of helping to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
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As far as I can tell the ONLY news outlet to cover the fact that Trump referred to Hurricane Harvey cryptically but deliberately was/is The Ugly Truth.
Trump saying of the name Harvey’ just prior to the emergence of the scandals involving Jewish movie mogul Harvey Weistein that has now reached hurricane proportions–‘It sounds like such an innocent name, Ben, right, but it’s not innocent…’
Not long after Trump spoke about the not-so-innocent Harvey, he then calls a press conference/photo op with all his senior military staff at his side and remarks that this represented the ‘calm before the storm.’ 
That’s right, Trump–with his military people behind him–saying it is the ‘the calm before the storm’. Has the Army had enough of fighting and dying for Israel? Not the war profiteers and Israel-first kooks, for sure, but the rank and file who have to do the fighting and dying, they have had enough. The Army is attempting to assist Trump in saving America from Jewish power. But you will never hear it phrased in quite that way.
Image result for trump calm before the storm
They are going after them. American will not have the kind of success Putin has had with the ‘Oligarchs’ but they are doing something quite similar.
And then, suddenly, from seemingly out of the blue, Harvey Weinstein–poweful Jewish movie mogul and major donor to the DNC and to Hillary Clinton and–more importantly–a major enemy of Trump is hit with 30 years of sexual-harassment charges which soon enveloped dozens of other powerful Jewish (and Gentile) machers, many who have attacked Trump relentlessly and who now are nothing more than yesterday’s news.
And many, many more will go down.
Russia gate?  It’s going nowhere. They have gone after General Flynn for Russian manipulation of the US election and found out sadly he only meant to ‘protect Israel.’
Even  some Sanders supports have lashed out at the DNC in particular over the murder of their friend Seth Rich.
However the truth movement and others have lashed out at Trump.  Many are obsessed with the idea that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son in Law, controls the White House. 
This idea is rubbish. For one thing the ‘once vast duties of Jarrod have shrunk considerably. General Kelly is putting a filter on some of that BS. Yes. the Generals have come in to help Trump attempt to save what remains of the Republic.  Also Jarad has been completely messed up and derailed by Trump’s in your face Embassy move.
Come on ‘Truth’ movement, read between the lines.
President Trump announced Wednesday the United States is formally recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and is instructing the State Department to ‘begin’ the ‘process’ of moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
A largely symbolic move that will force Israel to the peace table. They now have to go to the ‘deal table’ with one of the best deal makers in the world, a move that has messed up his son in Law who is claimed by some ‘controls’ him.
Why? because the United States Empire is crumbling because of its deep relationship with the State of Israel.
Can Trump do it?   
Yes. Can but can he check the new power base of Russia, Iran and China in the ME?  Well that is another story.

Published by Staś

Online researcher and columnist Staś.

11 thoughts on “Yet again the ‘Truth Movement’ fails on Trump’s Secret War with Israel. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will force a ‘deal’.

  1. Wow Wow Wow Mr. Stas!!! – You really hit all the nails on the head with this piece. Thank you so much. It’s so comforting to know that there are such wise critical thinkers left in this small precious world, that completely remove “the blinders”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bravo Stas! Great satire of the diehard Trump believers, those who would rather make fools of themselves to the bitter end and become their own caricature than admit they were wrong. I can imagine their comments when Trump will praise Netanyahu for evicting all Palestinians from Jerusalem: “That sly fox, Trump! He fools all the dummies in the ‘Truth movement’ again! They who don’t realize Trump is only helping Netanyahu unmasking himself to the whole world! Now there is no choice but to retune to the peace negotiation table! Just wait and see!”

    Liked by 1 person

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