Erdogan’s Nightmare: 3 Turkish Drones Shot Down In 24 Hours Over Syria & Libya — The Duran The Turkish Air Force had a very bad day… The Turkish Air Force had a very bad last 24 hours, reportedly losing an unprecedented total of three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) over Syria and Libya. First, a large Turkish military drone was downed over south Idlib on Tuesday. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)ContinueContinue reading “Erdogan’s Nightmare: 3 Turkish Drones Shot Down In 24 Hours Over Syria & Libya — The Duran”

Why the Coming Economic Collapse Will NOT be Caused by Corona Virus — The Duran

With Monday’s 1000 point stock market plunge the internet has been set ablaze with discussion of a new crash looming on the horizon. The fact that such a chain reaction collapse was only kept at bay due to massive liquidity injections by the Federal Reserve’s overnight repo loans should not be ignored. These injections which […]ContinueContinue reading “Why the Coming Economic Collapse Will NOT be Caused by Corona Virus — The Duran”

Coronavirus is in Italy, Latvia is next — The Duran

Coronavirus can be transferred to Latvia by the U.S. Army paratroopers from 173rd Airborne Brigade, stationed in Vicenza, northern Italy. It is known that Italy is trying to contain an outbreak of COVID-19 after the country saw a major uptick in cases of the coronavirus disease in northern Italy. Italy has imposed strict 14 days […]ContinueContinue reading “Coronavirus is in Italy, Latvia is next — The Duran”

Turkey Now Claims Syria’s Idlib Province as Turkish Territory — The Duran

Eric Zuesse On February 26th, Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s President, told his Islamist political party that Idlib, which is the most heavily jihadist of all of Syria’s provinces and the province where Syria had been sending jihadists who had been defeated but not killed by the Syrian army elsewhere in the Syrian war, is now permanently […]ContinueContinue reading “Turkey Now Claims Syria’s Idlib Province as Turkish Territory — The Duran”

Murderer of Qassem Suleimani Killed in US Plane Crash in Afghanistan: Reports — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog Source Michael D’Andrea, head of CIA operations in Iran and who orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Suleimani, was killed in a US plane crash over Afghanistan’s Ghanzi on Monday, Veterans Today (VT) reported, citing Russian intelligence sources. VT described D’Andrea as the most prominent figure of the CIA intelligence in the region,ContinueContinue reading “Murderer of Qassem Suleimani Killed in US Plane Crash in Afghanistan: Reports — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog”

The Afghanistan ‘peace deal’ riddle — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

Pepe Escobar for the Saker Blog : Posted with permission As far as realpolitik Afghanistan is concerned, with or without a deal, the US military want to stay in what is a priceless Greater Middle East base to deploy hybrid war techniques In this photo taken on February 21, youths and peace activists gather as […]ContinueContinue reading “The Afghanistan ‘peace deal’ riddle — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog”

Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in prison — The Duran

Long-time political operative and Trump confidant Roger Stone has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for perjury and obstruction of the ‘Russiagate’ probe, in a process marked by controversy and accusations of partisanship. Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Stone to 40 months in prison for obstruction of justice, another 18 months for witness tampering,ContinueContinue reading “Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in prison — The Duran”

Moscow Mules: NYT Secret Sources Claim Russia Backing Trump Re-Election — The Duran

Clearly the only way Trump can win, right? The New York Times would like everyone to know that if Trump is re-elected in November, it wasn’t because of his accomplishments, the economy, or packed stadiums full of dedicated supporters. Nope – Putin’s at it again! In an unbelievable Thursday report, the Times claims that fiveContinueContinue reading “Moscow Mules: NYT Secret Sources Claim Russia Backing Trump Re-Election — The Duran”

What’s on board the C-17 Globemaster III flying from Turkey to Poland? — The Duran

Air Mobility Command’s C-17A Globemaster III arrived at Incerlik AB, Turkey from Sicily, Italy on February, 20 as part of US-led exercise Defender Europe 2020, Air Mobility Command officials said. At present the exercise is about to gain momentum. First Defender-Europe 20 equipment has already arrived in Germany where it stands ready to spread out […]ContinueContinue reading “What’s on board the C-17 Globemaster III flying from Turkey to Poland? — The Duran”

How Huffington Post Campaigns for Elizabeth Warren — The Duran

Eric Zuesse On Thursday, February 20th, the top headline on the Home Page of the Huffington Post website — a mouthpiece for the Democratic National Committee to reach and persuade a largely young and female progressive Democratic electorate — was “Finally, The Real Elizabeth Warren Steps Up: The gloves came off at the Democratic primary […]ContinueContinue reading “How Huffington Post Campaigns for Elizabeth Warren — The Duran”

Elizabeth Warren Will Likely Win the Democratic Nomination — The Duran

Eric Zuesse Bernie Sanders — the only Democratic Presidential candidate who is supported by no billionaire — is now clearly in a position where he has the support of more Democratic Party voters nationwide than does any other candidate. Therefore, the Democratic National Committee will likely hand its nomination to Elizabeth Warren, who is the […]ContinueContinue reading “Elizabeth Warren Will Likely Win the Democratic Nomination — The Duran”

My Struggle — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog

FEBRUARY 20, 2020 BY GILAD ATZMON By Gilad Atzmon I launched my study into Jewishness two decades ago. It began as a result of my reaction to the relentless attacks on dissident Jewish thinkers who didn’t fit with the ‘revolutionary agenda’ of the so-called Jewish ‘anti Zionist’ Left. I quickly grasped that it was actuallyContinueContinue reading “My Struggle — Uprootedpalestinians’s Blog”

Mike Piper and others warned us about traitors like Father Malachi Martin.Cleaver men who have led us where we are today.

Originally posted on Blog of Staś:
?  I recall being shocked and saddened when I found out from Michael Collins Piper and other journalist that that the famous author and Jesuit priest  Father Malachi Martin was an absolute traitor. Mike Piper blew the lid off of the Father Martin deception in his incredible book  THE JUDAS GOATS.…