You Say you want a Revolution?Yahweh the God of the Old Testament calls for endless war and Revolution

By Staś


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“Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.” (Deuteronomy 13:8-9)


Are war revolutions and magic made to bring about the fulfillment of Old Testament Biblical law? This notion is never openly discussed.


It is also never discussed that war and revolution are revenge for the victory of Rome or Babylon upon Judea, or revenge for the victory of Jesus Christ.



Yet why not? Just because a revolution might be spoken about as communist or “godless” does not mean such things do not serve the religion of Judaism.


Throw away your conspiracy notebooks. You don’t need 8 years of grad school to attempt to figure out the difficult-to-understand “Hegelian dialectic.” You don’t need to be “red-pilled.” You just need to read and be a realist about religion and politics. A very cold, unfeeling realist. Only then will you not get sucked into any kind of intellectual trap.


Perhaps you will come to realize that there has been at the core an ongoing war – a “Biblical war” between the chosen and the “other.”


You are the “other.”


The Gentiles are now more than ever at war with themselves. Abortion and suicide continue to increase. The ongoing feminist revolution is “godless,” yet at its core feminism is a violent political movement about abortion.


Dig deep enough and you will find that a lot of politics is quite “Biblical.”



The Abortion Revolution

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Few dare admit the strongest advocates of abortion and “the pill” are Jews. Fewer admit the abortion movement has been fostered by a religion that has its original foundation built upon practices such as human sacrifice. One wonders will human and animal sacrifice take place again upon restoration of “the Temple?”

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As some have said, abortion is nothing but a throwback to ancient child sacrifice. In any case, enthusiasm for abortion seems to have drastically increased due to backlash from the Trump presidency.


Is abortion and violent political revolution really against the wishes of the supremacist god of the Old Testament?


Quite the contrary.


“Happy the one who takes and dashes Your little ones against the rock!” (Psalm 137:9)


Magic, social engineering, and mind control cause war and revolution. We are now clearly in the thick of the final world-wide Jewish war and revolution to fulfill the rules of the Old Testament.


Countless people would cry out and say “No, the ‘good book’ is the way and salvation from all these evil things.”


I would say, read it again. I would also say that the Bible – the Torah – is actually not for you. You’re “the other.”


Even the political side of the faith of the “Holy Roman” Catholic Church was created by the Roman Empire in an attempt to suppress the religion of the very war-like Judean tribe. Christianity is a loving, submissive religion and it has failed to stop the popularity and the strength of the religion conceived by a war tribe.


You can see in this day and age that everyone wants to be “Jewish.” The “other” people always have it wrong. America, a great power like Rome once was, is caught up in connecting to the appealing idea of being the favorite chosen people of a singular father-like god who will destroy all their enemies. You are right – “they” are wrong. We must make the world safe for “Democracy.”  Trump is going against this with the idea that he is great and will get you a good deal. It is a big difference.


Yes, people try to run and hide from the painful fact that the rules for the subjugation and destruction of all gentiles is often clearly stated in the OT scripture. It is much too painful. It is suppressed that Christ himself rebelled against the exclusivity of it.


Mel Gibson, in his movie The Passion of the Christ, was the only “rebellion of the Gentile” after 9/11. The movie simply states what the New Testament said – that the Jews themselves killed Christ – not the Romans.


The New Testament can be weaponized as well, but that is another topic.


The OT is the key. Everything else is just a cover. Powerful groups like the wealthy Freemasons, the Mormons, and the Protestant denominations of all kinds back up the OT. They back up the richest men in the world who are, let’s face it, almost all exclusively OT Jewish.


Incredible as it seems, liberal entertainers with huge audiences play at being liberal, free and secular. Yet they all lie. Talk show hosts and comics such as Bill Maher, Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handler are blatant Israel Supremacists. Howard Stern and Jimmy Kimmel play act when their friend Harvey Weinstein is at last taken down. They want to see Trump dead. They drive the Gentile world into decadence and idiocy. Listen to what they say behind all their lofty “liberal” talk – they are one-hundred-percent warriors for Judea.


Looking at the OT as a document for supremacy and domination, any abomination against the “other” – the gentile – is just and “good.”


This means that death or slavery is the destiny of all gentiles – not just white or black, but Asian as well.


There are forces gathering to oppose the Mighty State of Israel and her twin lackeys, the US and GB.


But for now, all that stands in the way is the Realpolitik of the current world empire: Donald J. Trump.


He is the new Caesar in the eyes of the Jews.

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He has a bizarre love/hate relationship with the Jews as Titus did. Thinking Trump is under their complete control is wrong. Thinking that he will not when he can do what they want if it doesn’t hurt his interest is just as wrong.


Don’t think that because they have given Trump a coin with his head on it that they love him. They gave Titus a coin and he destroyed the Temple.

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The backlash against Israel is growing with or without Trump. The US Empire is trying to save herself, just as Rome tried.


But from the beginning it has been a bipolar fight between being a Biblical OT America and an America influenced by Roman and Greek logic.


At this time the left of America – the women, the feminists, the left-leaning Jews themselves, the identity PC political-police SJW types – have all worked themselves up into a frenzy. They show outward signs of mental illness. They are a twisted form of an anti-Christian secular Christian and out-and-out Satanic people. It is a movement that is emotional and hyper-sexual. The western liberal is hyper-narcissistic. I will talk about it later in this passage, but is essential to note that the liberal in the West is talking, looking, and acting like a new version of the FRENCH REVOLUTION .


The reaction to the liberal and the feminist is often just as bad, for it has created the far “alt-right” and the CONSPIRACY EXPERT. Many of these guys are FAKE.


This is funny because their dreaded opposition likes to get all upset about the sins of the Left in a “Biblical sense.” Because the Rust Belt and the Bible Belt are one in the same. But in reality, the “deplorables” don’t care because they are poor.


They have nothing to lose.


Again, decade after decade of the loss of industrial jobs and poor education, the American working man, (or should I say non-working man,) does not care.


Many direct a lot of their anger towards Islamic people, blacks, etc. – and many have simply  “fallen.”


The same holds true for the UK and much of the EU.


Can Trump and the Brexit UK politicians keep the bulk of the people happy?


Can it hold?


Who knows?


The “crash” – the real crash – will be “Biblical”


If you think they are fooling around regarding Trump, think of the photo of the vile comedian Kathy Griffin with the severed head of the President. Would they allow that to happen to Obama or Bush?

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The Rebuilding of Jerusalem. The Temple must be rebuilt. The end of the world is at hand?




This is a long rant about what I see as an unstoppable, world-wide revolution to change mankind into very willing and useful slaves. Or quite literally to make them exterminate themselves.


I contend we are now part of a world revolution. America and the EU are a large part but not the whole.


It is a revolt against Christ, but also it is also following the rules of the OT.


This is a bold and conspiratorial statement. But if you take a look at most, if not all, the wars and revolutions, behind the facade of why the wars had to be fought or revolutions had to be conducted.


Wars serve the OT. From the invasion of tiny Granada because President Bishop was a charismatic supporter of the Palestinian cause, to the massive civil war in Europe known as “WWII” that delivered Palestine to the Jewish people.


Set aside all your standard Military History – at the core of it WWII was very Biblical.


To me, WWII was a war that was instigated so that the inferior gentiles would do themselves in. Goy vs. Goy, slave vs. slave.


Don’t believe it? The God of the OT instructs his followers to wipe out every other nation except his beloved Israel. What happened in WWII?


I also believe that this movement to change and take over the world is not just Communism or even Capitalism, even though these movements have done more than their fair share to deliver power to the Jews.


It is the fulfillment of Biblical Old Testament Law. The wars, the subversion, the revolutions, the espionage – all lead to this Biblical Fulfillment of total animation the non-Jew and the Temple rebuilt and some kind of Messiah or ruler will emerge.


I don’t like to even discuss this arrival of a ruler or leader because it sounds too dramatic, like something out of a horror movie, but I think it is real.


We are only allowed to read about these kinds of topics and ideas in a very controlled manner.


In this way, the way of the OT law – the Slav, the Muslim, the Roman, the Viking, even the Asian – are all united in the fact that they must be wiped out.


Yet we, the “gentile,” the goy, continue to fight one another. The blacks vs the whites. All – and I mean all – gentiles are destined for destruction. This is where the white nationalist types have it wrong. Because the blacks, the whites, the Slavs, and the Germanic are all destined for death or slavery. Either you get caught up in a war or revelation or live in the Middle East, you get killed personally. In the modern era you die by abortion or by your own hand as a slave.


“And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have — from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves. Moreover, you may buy the children of the strangers who dwell among you, and their families who are with you, which they beget in your land; and they shall become your property.” (Leviticus 25:44-45)


Not even simply just Zionism. Any system, either covertly or overtly, will bring Israel and the Jews total political, cultural, and even direct military domination if possible.


Zionism is just a very important, passionate political movement that is pro-Jewish, but it is only one aspect of Judaism. The bigger story is in the Laws of the Jews, which is in the OT.


One thing that I find particularly fascinating is that there was intense Jewish involvement within the leadership of the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, yet knowledge of this is very suppressed.


You will notice we are never permitted to discuss as men in the western world the core of what is behind our very worst problems.


Indeed, to read about anything counter to the very pro-Jewish narrative of the western world is difficult. You have to read between the lines.


No one knows why the great empires fell. Was their fall connected to Judaism? That is hidden history. Decade after decade of the loss industrialization in the West and complete and utter moral desegregation [degradation?] has created this monster that Trump is trying to fix.


Suppression of the Jewish Supremacy of history has led to history repeating itself.


Notice that some of the leadership of the French Revolution talked of building a New Jerusalem.


Did both the Zionist dream of liberating Jerusalem and communism aid Jewish interests? Yes, and as strange as that sounds, it is very “Biblical.”


The Anti-Catholic, Anti-Roman Protestant Reformation


Has not the “Protestant Revolution” of the United States and England destroyed much of the Christian world? It was a revolution that divided the Roman Church which once had great power. Was this so it could pose no threat to the Jews?


England, Old England, drew much of its inspiration, and training if you will, from Rome. The great city of London was originally Londinium.


Yet England would cut away from the “Roman” Holy Church. There were endless wars of religion and England over time would abandon her Roman Catholic side in favor of Protestantism. The Reformation itself could be better considered as an attack on the Roman Catholic Church.  Guy Fawkes Night or the November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot was the September 11th of its day.  Catholics were caught in an alleged plot to blow up the House of Lords and kill James VI and I (Recall how the popular movie V for Vendetta was inspired by these historical events – a movie that was based on a comic book written by Allen Moore who is an occultist, ceremonial magician, and anarchist. Make no mistake, “comic books” or graphic novels are very influential on modern political activity and culture.)

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Don’t you Remember,

The Fifth of November,

‘Twas Gunpowder Treason Day,

I let off my gun,

And made’em all run.

And Stole all their Bonfire away.




Needless to say, England turned away from its Roman Catholic side. I think this is one of the many choke points of history that was very good for world Jewry. The division of the power of the Roman Catholic Church was huge. The Church was steeped in Greek and Roman logic. The Puritan group that would later flee England for America was also very anti-Papist and anti-Roman.


The Puritan and the Protestant point of view that would come to populate the minds of the new world America are quite traditional and pro-Old Testament, thus very pro-Jewish.


The gentiles of England and America have and still do view themselves as quasi-Jews. With few exceptions, they have done the bidding of the Jewish.


Any conflict between the Jews and the “others” is very carefully hidden. You have to seek out “forbidden literature” or read between the lines in the “acceptable” news sources.



No writers who speak out against Judaic Supremacy have the backing of any major powerful institution.


For example, the Roman Catholic Church could not pay Mike Piper, Mark Glenn, Michael A. Hoffman, and others to expose Judaic power for what it is.


There are no big anti-Jewish TV or radio stations.


The Universities are not going to teach the anti-Judaic thoughts of the Founding Fathers of America.


And so, we are forced to read between the lines and figure this out.


Trump and even Putin cannot speak outright and plainly about it.


Saddam of Iraq, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, and the American Congressmen Jim Traficant did. Look at what happened to them.


It is worse now because every nation is involved now. Technology has linked all people.


This is troubling because, as with the case of our ancestors, the chosen people of god – the people of the Old Testament – would arrive at a place and live there, and then it would decay and fall, causing them to flee to another place.


Time and time again this has happened, and you have to read forbidden books to find out about it.


Now that the Jews own every place and control most institutions, will the entire world edifice collapse, and not just America?


How do you defeat something that you’re a part of? Yes, in America for instance, the courts and the laws of life are dictated by the OT.


Although America is becoming more and more secular, some would say “Satanic,” the Bible is still the centerpiece of American society. And I would argue the fatherlike, punishing God of the OT – not the forgiving New Testament featuring Jesus.


No, sorry – the all-knowing God of the OT is America’s book as America has now become a kind of second Israel dishing out the punishment of the OT.



America’s main city, New York City, is very Jewish anyway.


We still swear upon the Bible in court and other sacred ceremonies.


The Jews can negate the oaths in America with their Kol Nidre rite. Thus, it all means nothing to them.


How do you compete with a religion that is out to destroy you if you are part of it? Judaism is the father religion of both Christianity and Islam. Not to mention there are huge divisions within them.


Indeed, the Old Testament is beloved by the gentiles, the goy.


The rebellion against the Old Testament and religion that people swarm to is also a trap. It is called Communism.


We see that today millions flee to Bernie Sanders. Even Russia Today and others. Come on! He is but a trap.


There is always a trap. Communism is so huge that some leaders within that system rebel against its Jewish creators.


Just as Freud created psychoanalysis to destroy Christianity, his counterpart Jung rebelled against it.


It could be argued that Christ rebelled against many aspects of Judaism. In fact, he warned against it.


Traps and hidden history abide when it comes to all things Jewish.


For example, Winston Churchill hired an investigative writer by the name of Nester Webster. She was the wife of a Scotland Yard detective.


Her work is still quite forbidden. She wrote against Communistic secret societies, the Illuminati, and so forth. Much of her work is quite “anti-semitic.”


Why would Churchill, son of a Boston Jewess, himself promote the writing of Webster?


He did not care. He was in power and he would later back Stalin as much as FDR.  His spooky talk of evil communist Jews and Illuminati everywhere was all for nothing.


His anti-Communism was but a distraction. He was committed to the Zionist cause. Wait, let’s stop right there. Churchill was committed to Old Testament-inspired war victory!


FDR and Churchill prayed to the G-d of the OT for victory in the ultimate civil war in Europe WWI and then WWII, which finished of the gentile world in Europe. WWII set the stage for America to shape the world and make it ready for Israel to rise.


D-Day June 6, 1944: The Bible and Prayer of WWII


Churchill wanted some kind of Biblical name for the plan to win WWII. They used “Overlord” for the code name instead. If you decode the meaning of the Stuxnet cyber attack on Iran, it is Biblical.


The truth is both Communism and Zionism are nothing but massive espionage-like operations.  They are “movements” – Occult movements that instill superhuman passions in people.


When they are no longer useful, something else takes their place. When they are needed again, they are restored.


But again, they are merely movements that fulfill the laws stated in the Torah of the OT.


Indeed, the worldwide Jewish Revolution or the Judaic power system is chameleonlike and can take on many forms.


This is not surprising because the term “revolution” which is almost always Judaic is also sometimes not relevant because in many places in the world today, the Jews are no longer the “rebels” – they are the out-and-out masters or the 1%.


Their problem, if it can be seen as a problem, is they are so powerful that it is impossible to conceal.


Their problem is they have looted so much money that it threatens a world collapse and a world rebellion.


Yet they hold on to power. Yet they keep it going. For now. When will it all fall apart?


That is the question.


I asked someone once why the Soviet Empire crumbled? This person replied,


“The Russian (Soviet) women bragged about having 17 abortions.”


Is this not America right now?


Those who dare to indulge in reading some “revisionist history” are asking this very question now.


You may be a “white nationalist” or an “alt-righter” or an Alex Jones follower and think you’re fighting the system, but you’re not doing anything. In fact, you may be assisting the system.


Let’s face it, the only resistance to the total enslavement of the world has been by those who people don’t like to give credit, such as Islamic Iran.


If you have even found your way to this blog, Bravo! you have survived the “metrics” ratings for your work today and eluded some algorithm deemed you still to be of some use.  Or you grew tired of Alex Jones and David Icke.


The transformation of mankind is bigger than even globalization and even the endless economic and religions wars that have been deliberately instigated, only now under more sophisticated names. The Crusades has changed to “the Clash of Civilizations.” It is not a very religious world war happening now between Judaic America and Islam. Oh no, it’s a war on “Terror,” which means nothing.


It all means nothing because what is at work here is the Chosen People use their war skills to obtain victory at all costs. They follow the rules of their god in the OT.


After decade upon decade of conditioning people in America and England now are about nothing.  We are all a bunch of characters on Friends and Seinfeld who don’t give a shit.


This is very important because the Chosen People have a goal of conquest. The gentile or the “other” – the “goy” – now have no goal.


America is still the world’s lone superpower and it is a mix of people who have the ability to get onboard and become very Jewish. And then there are “others” who can’t cut it – the Hillbilly, the Deplorable, the grotesque – who are going to be eliminated. Have some meth and watch Breaking Bad. View your own destruction. They are now with Trump and Brexit.


The Old Testament is not just words as the Jews act upon its teaching fanatically and with great passion and devotion.


First, we must examine the wars they fought directly with their own hands.



The Direct Wars of the Jews

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“He changes times and seasons;

he deposes kings and raises up others.” (Daniel 2:21)



From the days of their when the Canaanite who came prior to the Jews were destroyed to the 1967 war that excited political Zionism, Jews have been at war.


Jews are a warrior people. Contrary to what some people say, they don’t mind getting into wars and fighting in wars. Sure, by way of deception it is much better to send the gentile in to fight for you, or better yet pit to one against the other. However, Israel and its people are a warrior people. They have proved themselves in battle many times.


I will blog about this more in the near future, but for now I would say huge portions of the OT are devoted to war stories or tremendous victories.


Are some exaggerated? Likely. However, look at the Six Day War and other wars. The Israelis can fight.


But it is more than that. All of the Jewish holidays are military victory holidays.


Queen Ester is a “whore war hero,” or a war hero who did what she had to do. Take your pick. Mary is the kind mother of Jesus. Look at the difference.


Passover and Hanukkah celebrate war victory.


War on the “other” is the main rule of the OT. The moral passages in the OT are for the Chosen only.


The God of the OT is a war god.


“He changes times and seasons;

he deposes kings and raises up others.” (Daniel 2:21)



The Modern Era Globalist Revolution

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This goes for the whole world as well. If you read between the lines or care to notice, they have been warning the world and threatening the world for a long time.


Thomas L. Friedman writes a weekly column for The New York Times. He has written extensively on foreign affairs, global trade, the Middle East, globalization, and environmental issues.


Friedman is a liberal and all that, but let’s speak plainly here. On behalf of the Jews he tells the people of the entire world what the Jews want done. And they do it.


Look into this guy’s work. In effect he is saying if you mess with the wishes of the Jews or if you even say bad things about them, you’ll be crushed.


One of Friedman’s main ideas states that individual countries must sacrifice some degree of economic sovereignty to global institutions (such as capital markets and multinational corporations), a situation he has termed the “golden straitjacket”.


The golden straitjacket comes in the form of bombs and drones and all out invasion when needed.


Friedman does not fool around. Whatever threats he makes come true a thousand-fold.


To those who are obsessed with the Skull and Bones, even the Freemasons – keep in mind those are only systems of networking.


The entire society itself acts and lives under the dictates of the OT. That is the bigger picture.


If anyone from those admittedly powerful groups stands in the way of the world that Friedman and of course the hidden Rabbis with him want, you will be put in your place fast.


If you not smart enough to get brainwashed and make cash in companies and institutions that work on behalf of the interests of Friedman or the “Harvard Jews,” then you are shit out of luck my friends.


This perhaps final “Revolution,” perhaps the final one of all time, will in my opinion make the French, Russian, and even the American Revolution look like sideshows. It’s the post-globalist, post- human revolution occurring now.


They want the whole world and they have got much of it under their control with all of us living under the vile “American Culture.”


They want control economically and militarily speaking. Factories as far as the eye can see fill route 128 in Boston, Silicon Valley in CA,  Austin, TX etc. There are really only certain cities and zip codes that matter in America.


The “rust belt” and other areas of America are not needed. Yes, the technology is so complex only certain people can work on it. In effect, many of the Trump supporters are not needed. In fact, the monster needs more people of higher cognitive ability or IQ. Again, it sucks people out of India or China, and sadly not Iowa.


They continue to build an army to take over the world in this a very Jewish Revolution of many other code names. The last being “the War on Terror,” now it is “No Nukes for Iran at all costs” and “Russia Hacked the Election.”


America is a war empire. It’s military and intelligence machine has grown so big and so out of control that either nothing can stop it or it will eat itself.


Trump and his clique who are tied to “the machine” are in business or are in it directly in it are sometimes they only ones to be critical of it. Recall when Gen. Flynn complained about ISIS funding?


They are sucking the life and the brain power out of other countries. Many Russians, Iranians, Indians, and Chinese will stop at nothing to come and join the American war machine.


Many crave to be like the Americans quite frankly because there is no such thing. The “American” is a mythical creature so consumed by illusion that they don’t even know it.


Everyone wants to be in “the American movie.”


America is a kingdom of narcissistic snobs. Our people shout slogans now that come straight out of the French and Russian Revolution.


The American women want to kill their babies, and quite frankly many want to kill the men.


The reaction is equally as frightening and grotesque as the men have turned violent and reject women as well. They want to kill, and they demand to be entertained while doing so.


This is unusual in that the American people are more divided than ever yet they perform their duty, their function.  Number one, they die. Number two, they are turning deeply to wars, communism, socialism, Satanism, Wicca, and all forms of sexual perversion. They are proudest of gender equality and race equality. Yet somehow they cannot do a thing when America enters wars of all kinds. Yet can it hold? No, because they have no kids, no babies.


America’s huge evangelical army stands at the ready to fight for the G-d of the Old Testament.  Look closely at what they say. They claim to love Jesus, yet one could argue that their Jesus only exists as a character who assists them to act as deliverers of the “good, old-time Old Testament City on the Hill” retribution for any bad thing to happen to Israel and old timely Bible worshiping America. Not the America that had been influenced by Greek and Roman law and logic with voting and debate in the Senate.  Just Bible America, yes – GUN America.


America is the victim of a bipolar revolution that has turned people into lunatics.


The American/Judaic Black Magic, the “Sex Magick,” will topple the world. The media, the academic world, the celebrities – all transmit endless messages that ultimately provide their Judaic  masters with what they want: total and complete world domination, and the rebuilding of the Temple. The enslavement of all the world’s gentiles must be achieved. It says so repeatedly in the OT Bible.


It was done revolutions inspired behind the scenes by the occultists worked clandestinely to topple the Church and the kings of Europe and Russia.  They succeeded.


There is no need to prove the Protocols of Zion or “decode” the occult statues and symbols because the end result is Europe and America, one way or another, has been subjugated to the rule of the OT.


The revolutionary faith was shaped not so much by the critical rationalism of the French Enlightenment (as is generally believed) as by the occultism and proto-romanticism of Germany.


People became infected by the flames of “Revolution” and can be led in any direction the secret masters of whatever “revolution” wish it to go.


In my view they are like multi-level marketing scams. All lies. Only the man at the very tip-top of the pyramid knows what is really going on. Like an AMWAY scam.


Sexual Magic and the Massive French Revolution


Let the Republic be the sole proprietor; like a mother, it will afford to each of its members equal education, food and labour. This is the only regeneration aimed at by philosophers. This is the only rebuilding of Jerusalem.


Vive la révolution Vive la Révélation sexuelle


Now on to my point of Magic and mind control…


Prior to the great and horrific world wars and revolutions, professional propagandists stirred up the emotions the passions of the masses and drove them to war.


But we know or at the least suspect it goes much deeper than just newspaper propaganda alone. It’s much more dramatic than that.  When you’re talking about war, revolution, and the control of the minds of people in societies, you’re dealing with the deepest, darkest of the black magic.


This has always in fact been the case. The priestly class with their Magic drive people to war and revolution.



Wise men have manipulated the masses throughout the ages. For instance, James Billington writes in his seminal work Fire in the Minds of Men that the “revolutionary faith” was shaped by “occultism.”



Before the French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution occurred, both of which were very dominated by Jews, total sexual freedom was strongly advocated for.


Indeed, the key figures in both the Bolshevik Revolution and the Jacobin French Revolution were very Jewish.

Image result for karl marx masonic sign

Note Marx hand sign shows he is a Freemason

Once in power, both groups made laws against anti-semitism. Paris itself, once a powerful Christian city, would be transformed into a “New Jerusalem.”


Billington writes in Fire of the Minds of Men:


“It involved a festive attempt to realize utopia, not in the enclosed Palais–Royal but in the open air: to transform old Paris into a new Jerusalem; to move from the from the guillotine’s kingdom of fear to a republic of rejoicing in which Dame Nature was Queen.”


These changes did not happen overnight. This all took time, but the strategy of giving the people drink, drugs, and most of all sex weakened the will of the governments and the people. Holy mother Russia fell and became godless and very sexually liberated.


Magic (now often spelled as Magick because the last man who became very well known for his magical practice was the man beloved by Rock and Roll artists for decades: Aleister Crowley) and  sorcery of all kinds deals mostly deals with art and sexuality.


Crowley, who referred to himself as “the beast” or just 666, was causing trouble in Berlin in 1930 before WWII broke out.  Occultism, art, sex, and homosexuality was thriving in the Weinmar Republic. A contributing factor to the war breaking out?


The work in Germany is going very strong indeed. I always knew that was the country to understand me. [Kasimira] is teaching me German. I feel that I have much to do there one day.


The extreme conditions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, along with the excessive decadence by some would say the Jewish theater owners, may have caused a counter “National Socialist Revolution” there.


What role did revolutionary occultism play in that? A lot Germany was looted and broke and filled with cabalist sex magic of all kinds.


The occultist becomes a master of harnessing occult energy, the serpent fire, or what have you within themselves. They have many secret methods that they employ to bend their will and the will of “others.” They also become skilled in influencing large groups of people. Under the influence of such magical techniques, people turn into slogan-shouting lunatics.


France, once the greatest power in all of Christendom, fell to a very sexualized revolution.  Not just sex but “art” and all kinds of vulgar language and endless slogans about “freedom.”


The French revolution “liberated” Paris. Paris was filled with “liberating” art, drink, magic, and sexual magic. Not to mention the quasi-secret society known as the Jacobins. (The Jacobins are by the way are looked upon with great fondness in American academic circles this very day.)


Paris was filled with secret underground café life filled with hyper sexuality, vulgarity of all kinds, and secret societies that plotted violence. Art and occult magic was transforming the minds of men, molding their minds so that they would be transformed alchemically into blood thirsty revolutionaries.



These secrets societies that inspired the deadly communistic revolutions were controlled by secret societies that used false name and all kinds of deception. They consisted of inner and deeper circles that ruled men who sometimes did not even know their ultimate purpose.


Unless you were in the hidden inner circle, you didn’t know. All you knew is you wanted in.



The Revolutionary “circles” destroyed the kings and the Church in Europe.


What happened to them? Their anti-religion, anti-family, pro-abortion kind of thinking are now here, right here with you at your local public school.


Billiton writes in Fire in the Minds of Men that the French Revolution itself was created within the subterranean cafés of Paris:


“But why was the Palais-Royal able to mobilize mass emotions so successfully during the early years before full state power and military emergency could be invoked against it? The truth seems to be that the cafes provided not just a protected place for political meetings, but also the intoxicating ambiance of an earthly utopia. Distinctions of rank were obliterated, and men were free to exercise sexual as well as political freedom. In the course of a single visit, one might sip such libations of liberation as a new tricolored liquor, savor foreign foods in perfumed boites, see the laterna magica trace the history of the world in the apartment of Philippe-Egalite, visit a quasi-pomographic wax museum in the arcades, attend a melodrama which included music and acrobatics in the Cirque, and then go underground for entertainment that ranged from ventriloquism by a dwarf to sex with the seven-foot two-inch Prussian prostitute, Mile. Lapierre. *


“In such an atmosphere, illusion and fantasy mixed with material gratification and made the ideal of total secular happiness seem credible as well as desirable. Hedonistic awakening was combined with political and intellectual discussion in an atmosphere of social equality and directness of communication that had been unknown among the aristocratic conventions of the old regime.  All races were represented among the servants, entertainers, and shopkeepers of the Palais. Two blacks (known as Aladin and Scipio) were revered rather in the manner of court “fools” during the Renaissance, and were even called upon to resolve conflicts.  The form of communication was egalitarian. The often scatological language of the cafes was incorporated into plays produced by the Duke of Orleans in his “garden of equality.” His so-called genre Poissard introduced irreverent forms of speech that soon found their way into revolutionary journalism. The Palais-Royal was an intensely verbal place, infecting Paris and all of France with its revolutionary rhetoric and iconoclastic speech. Asone pamphlet noted already in 1790: The Palais-Royal is a theater, which imprints a great movement on the capital and on all the provinces of the French kingdom! The anonymous writer was describing an incident in which Mirabeauhad been challenged by a mob in the Palais; and the implication was that legitimacy lay no longer with the orator of the Assembly, who hides “under the mask of national interest,” but with the spontaneous  people in the Palais.  The Palais had become not just “the temple of patriotism and wisdom,” but also the point of combustion for la revolution sentimental: that “immense and quasi-universal explosion of sensibility” that began with Rousseau and helped transform a political crisis into an emotion-charged upheaval.


“From May to October 1789, there is no scene . . . which did not end in tears and embraces.” And many of those scenes began in the Palais-Royal: … a sacred temple where the sublime sounds resound in celebration of this revolution that is so happy for the French nation and of such good augury for the entire universe. Within the cafe a small group of trusted friends often met at a tableand gradually formed a basic new unit for revolutionary activity: the “circle.” Mercier noted that even before the outbreak of revolution in 1789 . . . the taste for circles, unknown to our fathers and copied from the En-glish, has begun to become naturalized.43 Unlike the English, the French in the Palais-Royal became “grave and serious once gathered in a circle.” 44 A small group could move beyond the surface conviviality of the cafe to deeper dedication in a circle: unified by the pursuit of truth, a sharing of inner thoughts, and the “strength of a uniform equality.”


The French went mad with bloodlust looking to kill the Kings and the Clergy.



Sexual liberation was not just one of the key components to securing victory for these “revolutions,” it was the most important factor. Manipulation of the minds of humans is best done through sexual energy. Theater, art, masturbatory fantasy, fake sex, or real sex has tremendous energy. It can transform people into narcissistic, violent fools. Wise men can draw the masses into violent war or revolution.



Tap into that and control it and you can do anything with the minds of “the people.”


Notice how the left of America today are filled with narcissistic self-love and self-obsession.

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Nothing new under the sun. The revolutionary journalists called for revolution. Today in America, journalists control the minds of the masses calling for revolution and pushing radicalized abortion.


CNN is a TV station solely devoted to gay rights, feminism, and abortion.


Occultists, Magic men, Rabbis, Kabbalist, propagandists, advertising and marketing people, politicians, pornographers, the military, and academics are all – and I repeat all – masters of mind manipulation.


The American Revolution

Image result for The American Revolution  as rebellion


A revolution of a nation founded and blessed by the OT


Through “American” popular culture and academic teaching, the minds of people have been drastically altered in “the West.” This is the legacy of occult groups such as the dreaded “Illuminati” of Bavaria, which is real but misunderstood. Even the founders of the United States itself directly, men such as Thomas Paine, were huge fans of the “Enlightenment.” Why do you think that Washington, DC itself is loaded with phallic symbols, obelisks, and endless symbols of astrology and sexual fertility magic? The American revolution and the founding father’s revolution republic that they developed which was highly masonic in nature has its French counterpart. It is true the founding fathers of the United States of America were influenced by the Enlightenment and indeed the Americans conducted a revolution as did the French. They were deist and Freemasons, and by default even influenced by the Illuminati of Bavaria which the conspiracy people endlessly talk about.


However, keep in mind the founding fathers were well-versed in the classical world. They were inspired deeply by Roman and Greek thought. This is the real reason why part of America is in my opinion very good.


This is why America has always been almost bipolar. America is in an endless internal fight between Jewish and Roman logic. So we see the statues and pictures of the General and President Washington as a devoted Freemason, but then he also saw himself as and admired the Roman General Cincinnatus. Cincinnatus was a man who wielded power very wisely. That is to say, he was not drunk with power and was noted for returning to farming after his work as a dictator was complete. Cincinnatus, from whom the name of the city of Cincinnati comes, was a hero of Washington’s.


Via Wikipedia:


“Lucius Quinctius[1] or Quintius[2] Cincinnatus (/ˌsɪnsɪˈnɑːtəs/; c. 519 – c. 430 BC)[2][3]was a Roman patrician, statesman, and military leader of the early Republic who became a legendary figure of Roman virtues—particularly Roman manliness and civic virtue—by the time of the Empire.

Image result for washington  as Cincinnatus


“Supposedly, Cincinnatus was a conservative opponent of the rights of the plebeians who fell into penury because of his son’s violent opposition to their desire for a written code of equitably-enforced laws. Despite his old age, he worked his own small farm until an invasion prompted his fellow citizens to call for his leadership. He came from his plough to assume complete control over the state but, upon achieving a swift victory, relinquished his power and its perquisites and returned to his farm. His success and immediate resignation of his near-absolute authority with the end of this crisis (traditionally dated to 458 BC) has often been cited as an example of outstanding leadership, service to the greater good, civic virtue, humility, and modesty. As a result, he has inspired a number of organizations and other entities, some named in his honor.”


In this piece I am going to be talking about a blend of Revolution, Magic, and mass psychological control of the “West.” I felt the need to establish the fact that the founding fathers of the current preeminent power of the western world America were indeed all Freemasonic and influenced by occultism. But again, the founders were all highly trained in the classical world. They even read Greek and Latin.  America after all has a Senate.


Jefferson, the mind of the American Revolution, was inspired by the Enlightenment ideals of the sanctity of the individual, as well as by the writings of Locke and Montesquieu, but his beloved home Monticello means “hillock” or “little mountain” in Italian.


The Founders were also covertly anti-Jewish despite being Freemasons. We know this because they were huge fans of the Republic of Rome, not the crater Caesar had created. I urge readers to examine this: Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and destroyed the Republic – he was beloved by the Jews.  Jefferson did battle with Hamilton, whose mother was Jewish.


I comment on this to demonstrate to the readers who think the whole of America is ruled by a Jewish Freemasonic trap that in truth it is quite the contrary. I would say it has been a huge battle for the heart and soul of America right from the start.



The Left-Wing Anti-American Counter Revolution

Image result for The Left-Wing Anti-American Counter Revolution abby hoffman jerry rubin

The core of America’s rapid decline and decay comes from the war in Nam.


The Draft was conscription jail for the gentiles. It ripped the country apart. Jews often got out of the Draft but they did not like it. They had to get letters saying they were mentally ill or they had to flee to Canada.
Drugs were introduced to control the masses. LSD calmed the people. Sex pacified the angry youth.  A side effect was it ruined education. Literally, the professors did not want to flunk the kids for they would go to Nam. Those people became teachers in America.


Occultism, drugs, and sex of all kinds flooded America.


As M.A. Hoffman wrote the dignified Camelot of JFK transformed into the Hebrew word Oz or the land of Oz where Alice got high and went to Oz.


The Clintons and Obama, who took power, came out of this. They are the smiling face, a cover, in a way for the violent Communist revolutionary of Bill Ayers.


One has to wonder if Ayers and one of his fathers in thought, Karl Marx, really rejected their Old Testament Judaism, or are they very worthy operatives in administering its rules? They do so in a covert way.



Doubt it. Need I remind you the Left and even the Communists quote the Bible when it suits their needs.



The liberals of today, in reality at their core, are centered almost entirely on sex and sexuality. (Indeed, they have crowned Stormy Daniels the Penthouse “Pet of the Century” for helping to try and stop Trump’s pro-nationalist, populist counter-revolution.) Leftism is at its heart nothing but a sex movement. Sexual narcissism is the essence of much of it.  Some brave leftists seek to do good. Rachel Corrie and people like that don’t just talk about it, they do it. Genuine people on the left and right are often silenced or literally cut down. But most liberals of today remind us of the troublemakers within the French Revolution. They are ultra-sentimental, narcissistic, self-absorbed, aggressive, dominating wind-bags. They shout slogans endlessly. They seek to destroy the world and replace it with some kind of non-racist, sexual paradise. Yet it makes no sense as they indulge in every form of hedonistic pleasure that can be imagined as they shout that gender does not exist.

Image result for Stormy Daniels the Penthouse “Pet of the Century


Endless wars are declared, millions are killed, and the left sit together in bars and cafes in Europe and America discussing racism for fun and to feel good.


The war – millions upon millions dead in the ME and elsewhere take a distant second to the need for gender equality within the US Military. The real crimes the US military commit involve sexism. Do they not?


The important thing is female empowerment. Who cares that Iraq, Syria, Libya, and on and on are bombed into dust. The death of people in the ME means nothing. Just show a photo of a “hot” female soldier. She is kicking ass. She is fighting dirty Patriarchal backward Islam and sexist old white men.



Killing by the Israeli controlled US war machine matters not because they are ridding the world of sex and race discrimination.


Who would dare question such goodness?


You can throw out politics, ethics, international law, and even US imperialism power itself.


Putin, along with  Iran and Syria, have to go because they are sexist and racist. They are a threat to our way of life. 9/11 has gone stale and they don’t want to confuse the population any more than they have to, because ISIS and other radical groups have become very valuable as they defend Israel. The focus of the real “enemy” has shifted to sexist, racist, backward Russia and Iran.


Putin is a very sexual enemy. He is the enemy of “badness” against the “band” Pussy Riot. That is how far the brain dead Americans have gone. Kill Putin and Trump and give us Stormy Daniels.


The evil friend of Putin, President Trump, is even worse. Trump is so evil and sexist that he wanted to pay Russian women to pee on the bed of their leader, who is in their eyes a wonderful, kind, African liberal president.


Notice how the “counter revolution” against Trump is very racial and very sexual. Yet despite the fact that it is well known Trump was a “playboy,” the left vilifies Trump with crap they love. Bizarre how his old school playboy whoring seems almost normal when compared to the hyper-sexual world of the left, where sexual expression is never dared to be suppressed.


Russia-gate and Pee-gate in many ways make no logical sense, but they are a high form of magic and mind control.


“Pissgate (a.k.a. Watersportsgate) refers to claims that Donald Trump hired prostitutes to ‘perform a Golden Showers urination show’ on a bed in the Moscow Ritz Carlton Hotel where Barack and Michelle Obama once slept during an official trip to Russia. The claims arise from a 35-page intelligence dossier produced by an ex-British Intelligence officer alleging that Russia was actively engaged in collecting compromising information on Trump during his numerous trips to Russia, and that Russia was regularly exchanging information with Trump’s campaign team through indirect channels.”


Quite malevolent and brilliant. The Trump–Russia dossier, also known as the Steele dossier, is a pornographic political sex fantasy that the left embrace with religious fanaticism.


Pee-gate is a blend of espionage and sex magic.  It matters very little if it is true or not. It fits a pattern: Trump and Putin are racist, dirty old white men. They need to be stopped.


The only crime Putin and Trump has committed is that they are attempting to stay out of war.


After new “feminism”


What would become known as Communism, itself by word, was created by a shady occultist and “erotic writer” involved in aspects of the French Revolution. Lenin finally adopted, was invented not by the great Rousseau, but by a Rousseau du ruisseau (Rousseau of the gutter): the indulgent fetishist and nocturnal street-walker in prerevolutionary Paris, Restif de la Bretonne. Thus the revolutionary label, that now controls the destiny of more than one billion people in the contemporary world, sprang from the erotic imagination of an eccentric writer. Yes, a porn guy invented Communism.

Image result for Rétif de la Bretonne


Wikipedia cites:


“Rétif de la Bretonne undoubtedly holds a remarkable place in French literature. He was inordinately vain, and of extremely relaxed morals. His books were written with haste, and their licence of subject and language renders them quite unfit for general perusal.


“He and the Marquis de Sade maintained a mutual hate, while he was appreciated by Benjamin Constant and Friedrich von Schiller and appeared at the table of Alexandre Balthazar Laurent Grimod de La Reynière, whom he met in 1782. Jean François de La Harpenicknamed him “the Voltaire of the chambermaids”. He was rediscovered by the Surrealists in the early 20th century.


“He is also noted for his advocacy of communism, indeed the term first made its modern appearance (1785) in his book review of Joseph-Alexandre-Victor Hupay de Fuveau who described himself as “communist” with his Project for a Philosophical Community.”


There you have it, Communism was invented by a dirty French novelist.


If you’re a self-proclaimed conspiracy researcher, don’t comfort yourself by thinking you understand how these people operate. There is indeed evidence that there exists men of occult knowledge. They have access to higher levels of training than we do. What was once whispered about in antiquity as “secret societies” is now called “networking.” Niall Ferguson, in his latest work The Square and the Tower, somewhat warns regular people who become fascinated with the Illuminati and Skull and Bones and so forth. Quite simply, they are not part of such groups and don’t know a thing about them. Of course, there is no doubt. Many of us waste time dwelling on Skull and Bones and other secret societies. Yet I must point out Ferguson excludes completely Jewish power. I will blog more on this another time.



Also, while I despise more than anything the constant use of “Illuminati” for anything and everything assorted with politics and “conspiracy,” I will say this: the Illuminati of Bavaria were a real and very significant secret society that operated during the Enlightenment. As James Billington, author of Fire in the Minds of Men pointed out, the “German Occultism” had a profound effect on the French Revolution.


We must not forget the opposition possesses much more powerful “platforms” with which to pontificate about their political point of view. Thus, most if not all forms of true dissent are drowned out.


Rarely do native populations fight back against the “sexual social engineering” attacks of the western intelligence agencies, i.e flooding countries with pornography deliberately.


One such rare case was the Iranian Revolution, as Dr. E. Michel Jones has cited. The people had enough and they reacted with a counter revolution


Fast forward to the current situation. We must not think that for one second the power of “feminism” is about helping women. It is part of political sexual control, something Dr. E Michel Jones talks about in great detail in his book Libito Dominandi. Is this only about a “communist takeover?” Far from it, “Capitalist or hyper-capitalist America” is under what Dr. Jones refers to as “Jewish Capitalism,” which has within it even more sophisticated sex mind control. Perhaps more than we have ever seen in human history.


It is not uncommon to be in any major America city and confront transgender people. It is sometimes impossible to tell the sexual identity of some people. This is high level magic at work.


Gender fluid? Robots? There are newer and even more complex sexual issues in America and Europe today. The end game is no kids.


It is getting out of control. One wonders when society will completely break down. This kind of behavior and existence are not just excepted, they are glorified.


How do you think communistic groups get people to join them and die for them? The boring, endless lectures on communism? No, they give the drink and sex. And a lot of it.


Corrupt governments and kings can also suppress honest dissent by providing limitless sex, drugs, and drink.


Now with the new technology all of these vices are enhanced, i.e prescription drugs, internet porn, and high-tech enhanced abortions backed up by feel-good rhetoric. Producing hell on earth.


Notice how the “pussy hat” rather resembles the hat of the Jacobins in the France Revolution




The Power of Magic, Drugs, and Mind Control within “Revolution”

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Fast forward to after the assassination of JFK and the continuation of the war in Vietnam. America is engulfed in a deep level of occultism as was the French Revolution. Conscription sent many men to fight in Vietnam, and the dignity and culture fostered in America by JFK turned to the free love and drug culture of the 1960’s.


America was deliberately “turned on” to LSD by Timothy Leary.


America got a taste of witchcraft and bizarre murder in the form of the Manson murders. Fear again would grip the nation in the ritual murders of “Son of Sam.”


Notice now how America is 100 times more Satanic!


The mind of the masses was being shaped by fear. However at least the left condemned the war in Southeast Asia. It was hypocritical to say the least because they felt a kinship with the communistic North Vietnamese.


Or was the “peace movement” nothing but drugs, sex, and self-love?


Notice the narcissistic frenzy of the Left in the US now. Surely the Parkland shooting anti-gun activists resemble the people swept up in the occult-sexual emotion that happened within the French Revolution.


Even the Trump movement, which at times is excellent, is a populist, nationalist, and even somewhat anti-war. Yet it is also filled with anti-Iran self-absorbed evangelicals. Radical evangelism, although philosophical, is very anti-erotic and anti-communistic, and ironically contains within it also the capability to produce madness and frenzy. It endorses full on political violence when protecting Israeli interests, as well as preserving the image of America as “the city on the hill,” as literally a new Israel in North America.


Notice how the Jacobin and different communistic revolutionary groups proclaimed Paris as a new Jerusalem. Both the French Revolutionary consul that took over and later the Russian communists, the Bolsheviks, also outlawed anti-semitism.  Strange for they were all supposed to be anti-religion.


Propaganda, social engineering, magic, or mind control – whatever you wish to call it – has gone way beyond anything that has occurred in the past.


The horrid culture of “America” has spread far and wide and threatens to topple the entire globe.


In any case, the grip on the American group mind has as I mentioned in a previous blog produced an army of lunatics.


The American Military, both willing and under pressure, invaded Iraq under a lie of non-existent WMDs. They lied and then bragged about the lie.


They were also “caught” in the name of integrating detained alleged terror suspects. Torture them sexually and ritualistically.


What chance would there be to end warfare normally when the army is caught humiliating and torturing men sexually?



What honor was there in torturing people in this way? The answer is any form of torture seems justified.


And I might add, in the course of this war on terror women have no doubt been raped and murdered.


The sexual torture done on people in the ME seems to be actual ritualized sexual nature. And if not, it is evil anyway.


Not only a war crime but an obscene Satanic one to boot. The US may pay dearly for involvement in this torture on behalf of Israel. Other countries are watching this deviltry.


Literally stacking nude victims into triangles. Again, to make it so there would be no hope of peace.


Saddam was seen near-naked in his underwear. Gadaffi was sodomized before his murder by US backed CIA-Mossad extremists. Uday and Qusay  UBL and all of the bad guys were said to have been found with huge porno collections.


So, no one in the US or UK has a porn collection?


Tell all the dead innocent people as a result of the 9/11 war on terror if they care that these guys look at porn.


Do the troops that bomb all these guys have a porn collection?


It is ok the American porn is for goodness?


What has not been revealed to the American public is that the sexual humiliation of Islamic prisoners Abu Ghraib and elsewhere has long be practiced on the Palestinians.

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These interrogation techniques were taught by Israeli operatives to the CIA and Military Police at the Abu Ghraib prison and in fact these operatives participated directly in the torture at Abu Ghraib under cover of “private consultants.” It is believed that at least three known Israeli MOSSAD agents were at Abu Ghraib directing the torture as “interrogators.”


Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith had “personally authorized clandestine Mossad officials to be in Iraq working closely with U.S. military intelligence.”



The war crimes committed at the Abu Ghraib prison were blamed psychologically on a lone female soldier.

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Lynndie Rana England of KY did the whole war. Right?


Yet it was sanctioned at the highest levels of the US government under Israeli direction.


The US wars seem to involve an almost childish, Satanic trickery now. That is to say, the public is lied to, then it is told it has been lied to, and is lied to yet again.


“There’s an old saying in Tennessee,” he began.


A series of awkward pauses followed. “I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, ‘Fool me once, shame on … shame on you. Fool me… You can’t get fooled again!’”

Bush 2002


Shock and Awe is not just for the “enemy,” it is for the Americans as well.


But who is the enemy? Anyone who stands in the way of greater Israel. The rebuilding of the Temple is real. Anyone who stands in the way of the mission of a greater Israel and a rebuilding of the Temple is being destroyed.


Magic involves blood and the language of magic is Hebrew, so says the occultist Kenneth Grant, a high disciple of the famous occultist Crowley



Nothing new under the sun. The enemies of Trump send witches to curse him like the superstitious days of old.


Is Trump perfect? No, far from it. We must face the fact that he is the point man in this age old fight. Like it or not, Rome is New York City.

Published by Staś

Online researcher and columnist Staś.

13 thoughts on “You Say you want a Revolution?Yahweh the God of the Old Testament calls for endless war and Revolution

  1. Some edit work was done on “You Say you want a Revolution?Yahweh the God of the Old Testament calls for endless war and Revolution” as of 8/21


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