#RT #news CrossTalk Bullhorns: Anti-democracy

From calls for Trump’s impeachment to the saga known as Brexit, political elites appear to be terrified of democracy and the people’s will. Also, should we lament the passing of the neoliberal order? CrossTalking with Robert Bridge, Dmitry Babich, and Marcus Papadopoulos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1B0fca-3Pc

Must Read: From Yahweh to Zion

Who is Yahweh? Where did he come from? How did this jealous, vengeful, exclusivist god shape the destiny of his chosen people? Can we trace a direct connection, through twenty-five centuries, linking the cult of Yahweh to contemporary Zionism? It all starts with the Old Testament, the ur-text for any serious inquiry into the JewishContinueContinue reading “Must Read: From Yahweh to Zion”